Book Title: Cannabis and Other Substance Use: An Information Guide for Adolescents
Recreational use of cannabis is now legal in Canada. Concerns about increasing use of cannabis and its harmful health effects on adolescents have been widely studied.
Adolescents may have tried or know someone who uses cannabis and other substances and wish to know more on the topic.
This health promotion book provides adolescents across all provinces and territories in Canada with current information on cannabis and other substances, cannabis laws and how these laws affect them.
The book also helps adolescents understand the harmful effects of substance use on their physical and mental health. Through discussions on the benefits of drug-free living, suggestions on ways to live their best lives, and information on where to find help and support, adolescents are empowered to stay in control, resist substance use and live happy, meaningful lives.

Book Title: My Self-Discovery Journal: An affirming working journal for youth.

An expertly designed cross-cultural journal for youth. This journal allows youth to challenge their thoughts and feelings in a personal, private space, to find their True Self, know their value, have mental well-being and function at a higher level.
Non-judgmental space to explore and find identity.
Includes mental health checklist.
Builds resilience and self worth.
Self improvement, personal growth and positive self image.
Digital detoxing.
Psychological self care.
Where to find help.
C$ 22.00 Price
C$ 22.00 / 272g
How this journal benefits youth:
A mental wellness resource for 10 -24 year olds that promotes self discovery, mental health and resilience.
A health promotion tool to explore, gain insight and act on life, feelings and beliefs.
A resource for self reflection, self-awareness of true self and value.
A safe private place to express innermost thoughts and feelings in a non-judgmental way.
Reinforces youth positive self image, improve mental wellbeing and build psychological resilience to cope in adversity.
A quiet space during “Alone time” to work through complex feelings, find meaning and develop identity.
A tangible alternative to digital journaling which decreases the harmful effect of screen time on youth mental health
Provides information on community mental health supports.
Includes early self-mental health screening and how to seek help.
Provides an additional health assessment record for mental health care professionals when needed.
Builds youth sense of self, self-confidence and self-determination.
Provides a medium to re-read writings for further insight into beliefs, thought, feelings and behaviors.
Journaling is an excellent way to become aware of anxieties and personal growth.